Jonathan talks Slaveholder Religion on MSNBC
Jonathan on “Trumpvangelicals” for TIME Magazine
Faith that props up extremism isn’t the only religion in our public life, but our history makes clear that slaveholder religion will dominate unless people of faith are willing to put our bodies on the line to insist on a better way. Read full article here.
Jonathan on CBS Religion Special, “Race, Religion, & Resistance” (Easter 2018)
Longform Interview w/ The Sun Magazine
“We’re intentionally not trying to help people — that is, we’re not pretending that only some of us need help. That’s a false view of mission inherited from the version of Christianity that accommodated itself to a system of inequality.” Read the full interview with Jonathan online.
Jonathan & Rev. Barber on PBS NewsHour
“We were taught to believe that there were people who were poor because they chose to be poor. And that narrative kept us from seeing the way that our religion was being used to pit us against other people.” Watch Jonathan & Rev. Barber on PBS NewsHour.
Jonathan on CNN
Watch Jonathan discuss efforts to resist voter suppression before the 2016 election on CNN.
The Washington Post
“To some, Moral Mondays may look like little more than the tool of a withering political party. But to those with eyes to see, this is a wake-up call. The Tillis 15 are standing to testify that we need a new imagination for our time.”
Jonathan writes about Moral Mondays for The Washington Post.
InTouch Magazine
The needs of many people in our society constantly surround us,” writes InTouch Magazine. “Too often strategies for serving the poor create an us-and-them division between the helper and the person being helped. But there’s a better way…”
Read Jonathan’s article in InTouch Magazine.
Christianity Today’s Village Green
What Classic Spiritual Discipline Needs the Most Renewal Among American Christians? Jonathan joins Anne Graham Lotz and Dallas Willard in responding to this edition of Christianity Today’s Village Green.
Below are links to some mainstream and Christian media coverage of Jonathan's work:
Carol Huang reports new monasticism movement for The Christian Science Monitor.
“The Unexpected Monks,” by Molly Worthen — Boston Globe.
“The New Monastics,” by Jason Byasee — The Christian Century.
Interview with David Miller — San Francisco Chronicle.